globe.gif (12609 bytes) The Uzelac Enhancement Team

Making a difference.

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Safety First
The Partnering
A Total Quality
Links of Interest

The Team

Stephen Uzelac
Judy Weaver
Devin Uzleac
Nate Uzelac
Kevin James Uzelac
maraco.jpg (14753 bytes)Who is Stephen Uzelac?

I am a teacher, father, grandfather, author, international speaker, thought leader and lover of life. My main focus is to make the world a better place to work, live, and play. I am a provider of information and techniques that will enhance the effectiveness of people and organizations.


My personal mission is to first respect the gift of life. As God is my judge, I will serve people to the best of my ability. I will share my passion for living with integrity, honesty, and happiness.

Guiding Principles:

  • To be the best I can
  • To respect my body
  • To continue to improve, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually
  • To put my faith in God
  • To honor family, friends and relationships
  • To respect my community and the property of others
  • To do unto others as I would want others to do unto me.

Where have I been and what do I value?

Stephen Uzelac is a retired college professor who has been actively involved in corporate leadership training and education for over 30 years. Steve has shared his profound insights with thousands of learners through classrooms, training and consulting.

Stephen believes that his experience, education and continuous learning has given him the wisdom to write, "Assertive Leadership: A Total Quality Team Attitude," and a planning guide on "How to Continue to Succeed at Work, Life and Pleasure," published by Mohican Publishing.

I am thankful for my parents, family, friends, colleagues, educators, leaders and others who have contributed to my way of seeing and believing. I value family, friends, work, health, relationships, learning and my relationship with God. I believe that anything worth doing is worth improving.


Uzelac Enhancement Team
PO Box 77
Spruce Creek, Pa 16683
telephone 814-632-7777

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